What is Aging in Place?

Aging in Place is a term that many hear but don’t have a full understanding of. Aging = You. In Place = At Home. So what does it take to keep you living in your home for as long as possible? It all starts with a living environment that works. Having an environment that allows you to feel safe and be independent is what we all strive for.

Aging In Place – its not about cheese & wine!

Valerie Jurik-Henry shares an overview of Aging In Place. Valerie is one of our Care Advisors and is a Certified Aging in Place Specialist (CAPS). She is also the creator of The Ageless Home™, a professional national speaker on Aging In Place, AND an author and a business advisor!

Aging in Place is a 5-legged Table

  • Home Design and Product Layout
  • Transportation
  • Healthcare
  • Financial
  • Social engagement

Many people fail to realize that having a leg or two missing from your table will cause an unbalanced life. The first leg is the home design and product layout point. Finding the right environment for you or a loved one means more than just the location. We need to have a living space thats easy to move in, able to reach items easily, wide doorways and hallways, all without compromising the look. Add to that another leg on the table and that is social engagement. Cottages and home additions allow for both.

Cottages and home additions are on the rise in the United States. Many studies show that 70% of all people surveyed are saying that they want to live in their home and not a senior facility. Finding the right home or creating the additional space in your house to allow one to live in a save environment is what BLE is all about. Cottage designs with an open flow, flex assist bathrooms and many added features provide the safe environment. Being on the property near a family member provides a social and safe connection.

Plan to Age In Place

To get a better understanding of the yearly cost of a senior facility near you, use our Cost of Care Estimator. The information you receive will allow you to compare the cost of a cottage with how much a senior living facility will cost over the years… your decision may be all in the math!

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